Complete Practice Session on Ms-Excel


@Sum( )
  • @ Sum (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)
  • Total : @ Sum(CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)

Note: [CellAddress1->Starting cell . CellAddress2 -> Ending cell]

@Average( ) 
  • @ Average (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)
  • Total : @Sum (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)
  • Average : @Average (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)

Note[Cell Address1-> Starting cell . CellAddress2 -> Ending cell]

@Product( )
  • @ Product (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)
  • Product : @ Product (CellAddress1 . CellAddress2)

Note[Cell Address1-> Starting cell . CellAddress2 -> Ending cell]

Find Simple Interest [Using Formula]
  • Simple Interest :
    • = Principle amount * Rate * Time/100

Note[Cell Address of Principle amount*Cell Address of Rate*Cell address of Time should be given]

Find Amount (Using Formula)
  • Amount :
    • = Quantity * Price

Note[Cell Address of Quantity*Cell Address of Price should be given]

Find Area & Perimeter of Rectangle (Using Formula)
  • Area :
    • = Length * Base  of Rectangle
  • Perimeter :
    • = 2*(Length+Base)

Note[Cell Address of Length and Cell Address of base should be given]

Find Radius, Area & Circumference of Circle (Using Formula)
  • Radius :
    • = Diameter/2
  • Area :
    • = 3.14*Radius^2
  • Perimeter :
    • = 2*3.14*Radius

Note[Cell Address of Diameter, Cell Address of Radius should be given]

Find Radius, Volume, TSA & CSA of Cylinder (Using Formula)
  • Radius :
    • = Diameter/2
  • Volume :
    • = 3.14*Radius^2*Height
  • TSA :
    • = 2*3.14*Radius*(Radius+Height)
  • CSA :
    • = 2*3.14*Radius*Height

Note[Cell Address of Diameter, Cell Address of Radius and Cell Address of Height should be given]

@if( )
Find Eligible for vote or not
    • If Age is greater than or equal to 18 then Eligible for Vote.
  • @if(age>=18,”ELIGIBLE”,”NOT ELIGIBLE”)

NOTE : age -> cell address of age should be given.

Find Profit & Loss / Write No profit & No Loss
    • If Sale Price is greater than Cost Price then Profit.
    • If Sale Price is less than Cost Price then Loss.
  • PROFIT =>
    • @IF(Sale Price>Cost Price, Sale Price-Cost Price, “No Profit”)
  • LOSS =>
    • @IF(Sale Price

NOTE : [Cell address of Sale Price and Cost Price should be given].

Learn to Format Excel data

Find Biggest Number / Smallest Number
    • If Number1 is greater than Number2 Then Biggest number is Number 1.
  • Biggest Number =>
    • @IF(Number1>Number2, Number1,Number2)
  • Smallest Number =>
    • @IF(Number1<Number2, Number1,Number2)

NOTE : [Cell address of Number1 and Number2 should be given].

RESULT (Creation 1)

Enter Name,Class, Marks of Five Subjects find Total Marks, Percentage and Division.

Condition for Division ->

  1. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 60, then First Division.
  2. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 45, then Second Division.
  3. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 33, then Third Division.
  4. If Percentage is Less Than 33, then Third Division. [Percentage<33,”Fail”]  

Note –> Cell address of Percentage should be given

  • Total Marks ->
    • Sum of All subject
  • Percentage ->
    • Total Marks * 100/500  or Total Marks / 5

Note -> (Each Subjects Full marks is 100, so divided by 500)

  • Division ->
    • @if(Percentage>=60, “First Division”, If(Percentage>=45, “Second Division”, If (Percentage>=33, “Third Division”, “Fail”)))

Note -> cell address of Percentage should be given.

RESULT (Creation 2 – Using 2 conditions) 
@if( or( ) )

Enter Name,Class, Marks of Five Subjects find Total Marks, Percentage and Division.

Condition1 :

  1. If Fail in Any subject (marks<33) then fail. or

Condition2 :

  1. 1. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 60, then First Division.
  2. 2. If Percentage is Greater & of Equal to 45, then Second Division.
  3. 3. If Percentage is Greater & of Equal to 33, then Third Division.
  4. 4. If Percentage is Less Than 33, then Third Division. [Percentage<33,”Fail”]  

Note –> Cell address of Percentage should be given

  • Total Marks ->
    • Sum of All subject
  • Percentage ->
    • Total Marks * 100/500  or Total Marks / 5
  • Division ->
    • @If(OR(Math<33, Physics<33, Chemistry<33, Biology<33, English<33), “Fail”, if(Percentage>=60, “First Division”, If(Percentage>=45, “Second Division”, If (Percentage>=33, “Third Division”, “Fail”)))

Note –> Cell address of all subjects and Cell address of Percentage should be given.

Result Creation 3 with Grade :

Enter Name,Class, Marks of Five Subjects find Total Marks, Percentage and Grade.

Condition for Grade ->

  1. 1. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 80%, then Grade A+.
  2. 2. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 60%, then Grade A.
  3. 3. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 45%, then Grade B+.
  4. 4. If Percentage is Greater & Equal to 33%, then Grade B.
  5. 5. If Percentage is Less Than 33, then Grade C. 

Note –> Cell address of Percentage should be given

  • Total Marks ->
    • Sum of All subject
  • Percentage ->
    • Total Marks * 100/500  or Total Marks / 5
  • Grade->
    • @If(Percentage>=80, “Grade A+”, If(Percentage>=60, “Grade A”, If(Percentage>=45, “Grade B+”, If(Percentage>=33, “Grade B”, “, “Grade C”))))

Note –> Cell address of Percentage should be given.

Result Creation 4 with Rank :
@ RANK ( )

Enter Name,Class, Marks of Five Subjects find Total Marks, Percentage and Grade.

  • Total Marks ->
    • Sum of All subject
  • Percentage ->
    • Total Marks * 100/500  or Total Marks / 5
  • Grade->
    • @If(Percentage>=80, “Grade A+”, If(Percentage>=60, “Grade A”, If(Percentage>=45, “Grade B+”, If(Percentage>=33, “Grade B”, “, “Grade C”))))
  • Rank->
    • @RANK (Total Marks, Range, 0)
      • Lock the Range using F4 -> $
      • 0 – Descending order, 1-Ascending order
Salary Calculation 1 :

Store Name, City, Basic Salary. Find TA, DA, HRA and Gross Salary with following condition.

Condition ->

  1. If Salary is Greater & Equal to 45000, then TA 20%, DA 18%, HRA 16%.
  2. If Salary is Greater & Equal to 25000, then TA 17%, DA 16%, HRA 15%.
  3. If Salary is Less than 25000, then TA 15%, DA 12%, HRA 8%.
  • TA (Traveling Allowance) ->
    • @if(BS>=45000,
  • Percentage ->
    • Total Marks * 100/500  or Total Marks / 5
  • Grade->
    • @If(Percentage>=80, “Grade A+”, If(Percentage>=60, “Grade A”, If(Percentage>=45, “Grade B+”, If(Percentage>=33, “Grade B”, “, “Grade C”))))

Note –> Cell address of Percentage should be given.

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